Executive Board
SCSBA’s 20-member board of directors, representing different regions of the state, serves as the governing body for the association. The board sets policies for the association, approves the annual budget, hires and evaluates the executive director and handles other responsibilities described in the SCSBA constitution and policy manual. The board meets at least four times annually and participates in a yearly retreat.

Charles Govan
Darlington County School District

Tim Rhodes
Abbeville County School District

Janet Graham
Horry County Schools

Michele Branning
Immediate Past President
Fort Mill School District
Regional directors
Carlton Dallas
Beaufort County School District
Region 1: Beaufort, Colleton, Dorchester 2, 4, and Jasper
Darlene Roberson
Region 2: Charleston
Kathy Anderson
Region 3: Berkeley, Georgetown
Tracy Winters
Horry County Schools
Region 4: Horry
Ervin Richardson
Florence 5
Region 5: Clarendon, Dillon 3, 4, Florence 1,2,3 and 5, Marion, Williamsburg
Dr. James Smith
Region 6: Chesterfield, Darlington, Kershaw, Lee, Marlboro
Gary Porth
Region 7: Calhoun, Orangeburg, Sumter
Niki Porter
Richland School District Two
Region 8: Richland 1, 2
Brad Frick
Lexington School District Four
Region 9: Lexington 1-5
Hannah Priester
Region 10: Aiken, Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Hampton
Tripp Bouknight
Anderson School District Three
Region 11: Abbeville, Anderson 1-3; Edgefield, Greenwood 50, 52; McCormick, Saluda, Ware Shoals 51
Sylvia Harrison
Fairfield County School District
Region 12: Cherokee, Chester, Fairfield, Laurens 55, 56; Newberry, Union
Scott Childers
York 1
Region 13: Lancaster, York 1, Clover, Rock Hill, Fort Mill
Dr. Sarah Simmons
Spartanburg 2
Region 14: Spartanburg 1-7
Glenda Morrison-Fair
Region 15: Greenville
Karla Kelley
School District of Pickens County
Region 16: Anderson 4, 5; Oconee, Pickens