Swansea’s Sutton: The Builder from Happytown

Lexington School District Four Board of Trustees Chairman Quincy Sutton is a builder. He’s a builder of consensus, of congregants, family and community. From his roots in Happytown in Gaston, S.C. to his home in Swansea, S.C. Sutton is known for forming, developing and nurturing the people and things around him, both figuratively and literally. His more than five-year service on the school board has been no different.
“I felt that if I was going to live and raise a family in this community that I had to be ‘All In’. So, I’m committed to making sure that not only our children, but all Lexington Four children have the best education and experience that we can afford them,” said Sutton.
I plan to run and be a part of our school board as long as I’m able to serve.”
He attributes their board’s collegiality and cohesiveness to their ability to “agree to disagree” with grace.
“I believe that a unified front is important when serving as a board member,” said Sutton, who likens board service to family dynamics. “There are things that my wife and I may see differently, but when we speak to our children, we present it with unity and togetherness. We work the details out on our own time behind closed doors.”
Sutton said his family has resided in the greater Lexington County area for more than a century.
“I love being from the Swansea/Gaston area. There is no place like home and that is why I’m fully committed to the betterment of my area,” he said.
Sutton is employed as a representative/liaison for the Customer Care Department of the City of Orangeburg’s Department of Public Utilities Administrative Division.
“I truly enjoy solving problems and assisting customers with issues regarding financial indigence,” he said. “I also enjoy assisting with families and individuals who are acquiring or building new homes.
One of the great things about what I do is we are the first to find out about and assist with new businesses and projects that are coming to the Greater Orangeburg area.”
In addition to these duties, Sutton is the senior pastor of New Life Ministries in Swansea, S.C., the job qualifications of which he feels closely align with board service.
“Pastoring and being on the school board both require humility, stability, an open mind and a servant’s heart,” said Sutton. “As our world changes and as our communities grow, we have to be open, accepting and compassionate to those we serve. These characteristics are important as I serve in both capacities.”
Sutton is the son of Bishop Cardell and Dr. Carolyn Sutton, who founded the church he pastors in the late 80s. He is a fourth-generation preacher and his wife, Cassandra, represents the third generation who have followed the ministry path. Sutton said it was very important to marry someone whose values aligned with his.
“Marriage, raising children and life itself present enough challenges,” said Sutton. “We believe ‘doing life’ with someone who holds the same morals, values and standards (makes) things much easier.”
One of his most profound undertakings as a builder has been the establishment of his business – Q- Concepts Design & Consultants. He started the company after assisting several families and friends through the process of purchasing or building new homes. Sutton works with contractors and individuals on project design and construction management for new homes and remodels.
As for family, Sutton and his wife of 17 years have three children – Quincy Cardell II, Rachel Caroline and Elva Queenslei. Cassandra is employed by Lexington Four.